Returning Members:
Step 1: Visit Forest Hills Swim Club
Step 2: Login
- Username:
This will be the main account holder email. Please check if you have a secondary email attached to your account. You can change this once you have logged in. - Password:
This will be a temporary password sent from Communications. If you did not receive an email, please contact Support or hit reset/forgot password prompt
You must reset your password from our default password to properly secure your account.
Step 3: Complete Account Setup
Add your street address (match what’s associated with your credit card), add email address(es) and add an emergency contact. Also, review to make sure all other information imported under your account is up-to-date and correct.
Step 4: Adding Children/Dependents
If you have a Family/Couple/Senior Couple Membership, you must add all members to your account BEFORE OPENING DAY. This info is what we will use for check-in at the Club, so you’ll want to make sure all of your dependents are listed under your account. You can do this easily, by clicking “Add Members”. Members of your household must live within your residence. You can also delete any members from your account here too (college child that has aged out etc.) If you need to add additional members, please reach out to Membership or Support.
Members may designate a Sitter/Nanny/Caregiver to your account. Reminders that a Sitter/Nanny/Caregiver may accompany member children IN THE ABSENCE of Parent/Guardian and are not bestowed membership and may not accompany along with parent/guardian unless under guest guidelines. Please See below for adding a Supplemental Grandparent/Sitter Season pass to a family membership.
Step 5: Photos, Medical & Liability Waivers
Everyone MUST have a Photo ID for check-in If you prefer to skip this step and come back into the system later to add photos. But photos must be uploaded before Opening Day. To add a photo, hit EDIT next to the individual and then hit the CLICK TO UPLOAD IMAGE. Please use a CLOSE UP head shot. Pictures must be an up to date photo of each member. No Icons.
All Medical & Liability Waivers must be completed in full before Opening Day.
Step 6: Payment
To pay, click Payments : Make a Payment at the top of your login page.
From here, check the payment you wish to make.
For Full Payment: Select pay full dues. Follow to the bottom for payment via Credit or Check.
**Un-initiated Members, please make note that initiation needs to be paid with full dues. IF you just pay initiation, when you go to pay dues separately the system will add on the next initiation payment. If you have encountered this issue, please reach out to Membership prior to trying to make payment and we will give proper instructions to fix this issue.
-For Check payments: please print the PDF and mail in with your check. Check payments will not appear until FHSC has received payment. FHSC will record payment and check # and then your account will show as PAID either in full or partial payment. Checks must be postmarked by April 15th, or April 30th with late fee.
To make a PARTIAL Payment (pay over time) Create your full order (yearly dues, initiation), select check, and write your bill/order # on your checks as you send them in. This can be only done via check at this time.
Make Checks payable to: Forest Hills Swim Club
Mail To:
Forest Hills Swim Club
Attention: Membership
PO Box 54440
Cincinnati, Oh 45255
-For Credit payments: to pay, enter your card number, expiration date and CVV.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that the address under your account matches the billing address that is associated with your credit card. You can also log back into your Account and click on “Payment History” to see the transaction at any time.
TIP: there is a TINY, LITTLE ROUND CIRCLE next to “Credit/Debit” and “Check” that you need to click, before it will allow you to pay. It’s easily missed and will give you an error message if it is not clicked.
If adding a Grandparent/Sitter Season Pass you may select this to add to your account. Grandparent/Sitter Season Pass is only available to Family Membership account. This option may be added at any time as we know people do not always have arrangements in place before opening day. To add a second paid Grandparent/Sitter Season Pass, you may do so after your first has been added.
If placing your account on HOLD for one year, please make that selection and send payment ALONG with an email to Membership. A Hold on your account is only valid for one year. Please refer to our Bylaws.
Before APRIL 15TH
-Login and Password
-Pay Dues and Initiation (if applicable)
-Place Membership on Hold (if applicable)
–Late FEE Dates: Accounts not paid in full or placed on hold after April 15th will be charged and additional fee of $25 plus tax and must be paid by April 30th otherwise your membership and initiation will become forfeited.
Before Opening Day
-Update all membership information
-Upload Picture for each member
-Complete Medical Liability
-Complete Liability Waiver
-Update Phone Numbers for ALL members in your account.