Forest Hills Swim Club Rib Cookoff Contest & Potluck

Forest Hills Swim Club will be hosting a Pork Rib Cookoff & Potluck on Sunday, August 13th, 2023.

Contestants must cook (smoked, grilled, baked, however you like) 2 racks of pork ribs, pre-seasoned/sauced and bring them to the club for judging at 5pm.  Contestants may heat ribs prior to the contest on the grills.  1 rack for judges and contestants to share, 1 rack to share with the potluck.

We also need 5, impartial (no relation to contestants please) judges to help decide our winners.

Final Date to Enter is August 10th, 2023.

To sign up as a Contestant, Judge, Potluck Helper CLICK HERE.

For everyone else, the Potluck will begin at 6pm.  Please bring a dish to share (think serves 8-10).  We will be handing tickets out for each dish brought to participate depending on your family size. We will be grilling hamburgers, hot dogs to serve along with our contestants ribs (while rib supplies last!).

Members A-L  Salad/Savory/Fruit Dishes/Sides

Members M-Z Desserts/Chips/Dips

Please no glass containers, and label any bowls/serving items to be returned.

As always, please direct any questions to Erin Scheper