2024 Payments and Early Incentive

This year we have updated a few features to streamline our yearly dues process.  First is the ability to pay your dues starting today.  The second is a slight adjustment to early payment incentive and the third is guest credits  have been implemented and can be purchased online or by cash at the gate.


Last year we were unable to allow early payments due to on-boarding the new system.  But this year we got all our updates in quickly so we can offer you three ways to pay today:

1. Pay in full online
2. Pay in full by check
3. Make partial payments by check

All three of these require you to go into your account online and submit your order.  Specifically, we need the order in the system for the check payments to associate them back to your account correctly.  Don’t worry that the order is the full amount for partial check payments.  Just submit it and we’ll apply the partial payments to the account as they come in until paid in full. Please be sure to select your yearly dues and if you are in initiation installments, that those are selected also.


The second is guest pass incentives for paying early. This year there is an incentive for everyone who is Paid in Full by February 28th where you receive 13 guest passes worth $130.  Everyone who is Paid in Full by April 15th will receive 5 guest passes worth $50.  We can only apply incentives based on a Paid account status.

Feb 28th All Fully Paid Accounts + 13 guest credits
April 15th All Fully Paid Accounts + 5 guest credits (fully paid by Feb 28th get this too)


Guest passes can be added to your account through early incentive or purchases online through your account.  Of course paying by cash at the gate is still allowed or you can buy them online before you go and just have the staff checking you in.  You choose the method you prefer.  The downside is, we’re having to drop the $5 guests after 5PM to make it process in the system correctly.

Instructions to log into your account:

Visit foresthillsswimclub.org
Click on the Login link at the top of the page.

In order for you to receive proper communications about billing and ensure the emails do not go to your spam or gmail promotions.  Please add “communications@foresthillsswimclub.org” to your contacts now.

  If you require any assistance getting into your Account or making a Payment.  Please email support@foresthillsswimclub.org.